Top 8 Trending Pinterest Categories for 2024

Are you curious which trending Pinterest categories can skyrocket your visibility in 2024? Strategically focusing on these trending Pinterest categories can boost your account’s impressions and engagement. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 trending Pinterest categories for 2024, helping you stay ahead of the curve and maximize your Pinterest success.

Embracing Trending Pinterest Trends for Impression Growth

Through strategic posting on Tailwind, I’ve seen remarkable success in expanding my Pinterest account to over 100k impressions.

The platform’s trends and categories are vital in achieving such a feat. Understanding and capitalizing on trending categories can significantly elevate the visibility and performance of pinned content.

It’s not just about posting; it’s about leveraging the latest in Pinterest trends to reach a broader audience. This proactive approach, complemented by tools such as Tailwind and manual pinning, has been instrumental in propelling my presence on Pinterest and boosting impressions.

Trending categories offer a wealth of potential for maximizing your reach and engagement, making it essential to stay ahead of the curve.

Understanding Trending Pinterest Categories

By aligning with Pinterest trends and understanding what resonates with audiences, we can strategically position our content within these categories, optimizing visibility and reach.

The Pinterest categorization system is a compass, leading users to their desired lifestyle trends, DIY projects, home decor ideas, fashion and beauty tips, travel inspiration, recipe sharing, health and wellness content, personal finance tips, and technology trends.

This compartmentalization enhances user experience by providing seamless content exploration and empowers content creators to tailor their material according to the specific interests of the target audience within each category.

The Power of Tailwind and Manual Pinning

With the right strategy and tools, like Tailwind, it’s possible to amplify content reach within the trending categories on Pinterest significantly. Tailwind allows for scheduling pins at optimized times, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement.

Additionally, manual pinning provides a personal touch, allowing for direct interaction with the Pinterest community and targeted placement of pins in high-engagement areas.

By combining the power of Tailwind’s scheduling capabilities and the personalized approach of manual pinning, I’ve experienced substantial growth in impressions and engagement, especially within the top-performing categories on Pinterest.

Leveraging these tools strategically is key to maximizing the potential of trending categories and reaching a wider audience within the Pinterest ecosystem.

1. Home Decor & DIY Projects

Statistics affirm this, with a surge in searches for home decor ideas and DIY projects indicating a sustained demand for visual content in these areas.

The allure of DIY projects and the quest for inspiration in home decor continue to drive remarkable engagement on Pinterest, making them prime categories to focus on for optimizing impressions.

Utilizing the right imagery and keeping abreast of trending aesthetics within these domains can undoubtedly elevate content visibility, affirming the enduring appeal of lifestyle trends in the digital landscape.

2. Fashion & Beauty Trends

From sustainable fashion to bold makeup looks, the platform is a hub for trendsetters and enthusiasts. Leveraging these trends can significantly boost your Pinterest impressions. Pinning visually captivating content featuring fashion and beauty tips, DIY beauty hacks, and sustainable fashion ideas can attract a highly engaged audience.

Incorporating popular keywords and hashtags related to fashion and beauty trends in the pin descriptions and titles can also enhance discoverability.

Stay ahead of the curve by pinning content that reflects the current zeitgeist in fashion and beauty, such as inclusive sizing, gender-neutral fashion, and eco-friendly beauty products.

Embrace the visual allure of these trends to capture the attention of Pinterest users seeking the latest in fashion and beauty.

3. Health & Wellness

Users actively seek lifestyle tips, fitness routines, and mental well-being strategies, making it an opportune category to tap into. You can connect with the audience seeking such content by sharing visual content focused on health-conscious recipes, workout guides, stress-relief techniques, and self-care rituals.

Incorporating popular keywords related to personal wellness, holistic health, and mindfulness into your pins and descriptions can enhance visibility within this trending category. Embracing enthusiasm for health and wellness on Pinterest can increase your impressions and positively impact your content.

4. Travel & Outdoor Adventures

As people seek inspiration for their next getaway, trending destinations such as off-the-beaten-path locations and sustainable travel options have garnered significant attention.

Pinterest’s visual nature allows for the vivid portrayal of breathtaking landscapes, captivating cityscapes, and adrenaline-pumping activities, making it an ideal platform for travel enthusiasts.

Travel content that encapsulates the essence of wanderlust and offers practical insights into unique travel experiences resonates deeply with users.

Whether sharing travel itineraries, showcasing hidden gems, or providing tips for immersive cultural experiences, the appeal of travel and outdoor adventures continues to thrive on Pinterest, presenting ample opportunities for content creators to engage and enthrall audiences.

5. Food & Recipes

From mouth-watering dishes to innovative cooking hacks, the visual allure of food content holds a powerful draw for Pinterest users. Sharing recipes, meal planning ideas, and cooking tips can tap into the current lifestyle trends emphasizing home-cooked meals and culinary exploration.

Whether it’s trending keto recipes, quick and easy dinner ideas, or stunning dessert presentations, the variety within the food and recipes category provides ample content creation and engagement opportunities.

Exploring niche areas such as vegan recipes, meal prep ideas, or global cuisine can offer unique angles to captivate Pinterest audiences. Embracing the visual nature of Pinterest, captivating images and step-by-step recipe pins can significantly enhance content performance within this enduringly popular category.

6. Technology & Gadgets

As I immerse myself in this trending category, I plan to share captivating visuals and insightful tips on the latest tech innovations, from gadget reviews to DIY tech projects.

By staying abreast of the newest trends in wearable tech, smart home devices, and innovative gadgets, I aim to provide valuable content that resonates with the Pinterest community, boosting engagement and impressions.

Incorporating eye-catching infographics and step-by-step tutorials will elevate the appeal of my tech-related pins, ensuring their resonance amidst the ever-evolving landscape of technology trends.

7. Personal Finance Tips

It’s no surprise, budgeting, saving, and investing advice are becoming increasingly popular topics. Users actively seek guidance on managing their finances, planning for the future, and making wise financial decisions.

As I look ahead, I aim to incorporate valuable insights into personal finance within my Pinterest strategy, recognizing the potential for significant engagement and reach within this trending category.

By addressing the audience’s interest in financial wellness and offering practical tips, I can foster meaningful connections and provide content that resonates with their current needs and aspirations.

8. Crafts & Hobbies

Individuals are drawn to the platform to explore DIY projects, uncover new crafting ideas, and connect with a community of like-minded enthusiasts. Whether it’s learning new embroidery stitches, finding inspiration for intricate paper crafts, or discovering innovative woodworking designs, Pinterest serves as a mecca for hobbyists and makers.

The platform’s visual nature allows users to gather ideas, tutorials, and inspiration in a single space, making it an ideal destination for those seeking to immerse themselves in the world of crafts and hobbies.

Staying attuned to the latest crafting movements and creative pursuits as trends evolve can open doors to engaging content opportunities and heightened visibility within the Pinterest community.

Strategy for Capitalizing on Trends

You can gain valuable insights into top-performing categories and optimize content reach by leveraging analytics tools like Tailwind. Identify the trending categories that align with the keywords, Pinterest trends, social media trends, lifestyle trends, DIY projects, and more while considering your target audience.

Tailor your visual content to meet the demands of these categories, ensuring high-quality and engaging material. Regularly monitor the performance of your pins within these categories and adapt your strategy based on the insights gained.

Embracing a data-driven approach with tools like Tailwind will enable you to effectively capitalize on Pinterest trends and maximize your content’s visibility and engagement.

Experimentation and consistent effort in exploring new content areas are key to staying ahead.

By tapping into lifestyle trends, DIY projects, fashion, health, and more, we can adapt our Pinterest strategy to align with what’s resonating with users.

Adapting to the ever-changing landscape of Pinterest categories allows for sustained growth and improved visibility, marking a pivotal strategy in elevating Pinterest’s marketing success.

Trending Pinterest Categories

Trending Pinterest Categories FAQ

What are the most popular topics on Pinterest?

Popular topics on Pinterest include home decor and design, food and drink, fashion, beauty, travel, health and fitness, weddings, crafts and DIY projects, and parenting tips.

How to find out what is trending on Pinterest?

To find trends on Pinterest, check the ‘Today’ tab for daily trending ideas, use the search bar for keyword suggestions, follow influencers and popular boards, and utilize the Pinterest Trends tool for current trends and popular search terms.

What are popular trends right now?

Current popular trends on Pinterest include sustainable living, home office ideas, self-care routines, outdoor living designs, seasonal recipes, and seasonal fashion and beauty trends. For the latest trends, refer to the Pinterest Trends tool or the ‘Today’ tab.

How to find trending searches?

To find trending searches on Pinterest, use the Pinterest Trends tool, observe the auto-suggestions in the search bar, explore the trending topics in the explore section, and, for business accounts, check Pinterest Analytics to see what your audience is interested in and which pins are performing well.


Michelle is the creative mind behind, your go-to source for Instagram captions that elevate your social media game. With a passion for words and a knack for capturing moments in witty, meaningful phrases.

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